How Deep Is Your Love

With the horrific abduction of 200 children in Nigeria, we are conscience
bound to ask the question – how hardened can the human heart become? In
Gulu we have seen firsthand the cowardice of using children as human tools for
political and religious gain. There can be no greater cowardice than exerting
human control on innocent lives. The 25 year civil unrest saw over 80% of the
local population displaced into Internally Displaced Camps on their ‘own land’.
They estimate up to 80% of the rebel forces were abducted child soldiers.

Throughout human history there has been no pit too deep to which human depravity
wont sink. If there was any evidence against the evolution of man to a higher
form of being, then this starkly challenges that concept. Unfortunately it does
reflect the sinful and prideful nature of man seeking to exert power and control
over others. So often, God is used as the scapegoat for human wickedness.

Religion is man’s attempt to reach God. Jesus is God’s solution to reach man. One
brings bondage and the other, freedom. One brings pain, and the other brings joy.
One brings despair and the other brings hope.

If there was one thing that separated Jesus from human religion – it was the cross.
Human history is centred at the cross. It is there, that all grace is given, love is
found, forgiveness is forged and peace is demonstrated.

John 5:23 states that, whoever does not honour the Son, does not honour the Father
that sent him. Relationship is not about running away from problems, but running
towards solutions. God ran headlong into the midst of a fallen and failing world and
brought the solution. It wasn’t a programme or a formula – it was a person.

God so loved the world, He gave his only Son.
God so loved you, He allowed him to die.
God so loved Him, He rose him from the dead.

Give honour, where honour is due. Please click on the link below and take a
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