The story so far - Ojali

It’s funny how you don’t forget the sounds, smells and sights of Africa. From the pot holes to the markets, as vast as the continent of Africa is in its heritage, there are striking similarities. My days in Gulu in the north of Uganda has definitely flown by. The activities have been varied, the locals have been warm and gracious and their love for Jesus has been awe inspiring. The community in Gulu have a love for Jesus that is truly amazing to observe. Their acts of service to me as a guest has been humbling. So far on this missionary trip I have been blessed to have attend the women’s meeting, the leaders meeting, had the wonderful opportunity to discuss pharmaceutical care needs with the village health workers and had a chance to observe the world of Pharmacy in another country. It has been wonderful to interact with the children and Youth of Gulu and the time spent worshiping and joking around with the Uganda TEAMS members has been refreshing. Before the missions trip I was given this bible passage ‘The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged’ Deut 31:8. The Lord has definitely gone before me on this trip to prepare the way and has been with me to lead me through all the activities. All praise and Glory to my heavenly Father!

My heart felts thanks to TEAMS and the people of Gulu. Thank you for hospitality and kindness
God Bless