At last we have the results for last Novembers DIT Tailoring examination. Everyone has been waiting most patiently but also rather anxiously for these to be posted.
All 17 passed the Practical with flying colours and 15 passed the Theory as well.
This is such brilliant news and the best results overall since [...]
The new classroom block is operating really well and everyone loves it! Apart from looking so smart it is light and airy and very practical to use.
2 of the 4 rooms are fully equipped and are occupied every day. The other 2 rooms are being used on an occasional basis [...]
Earlier this year, TEAMS organised a staff team building day, which the majority of staff attended. They went to the Recreation Project in Gulu and were facilitated by a friend of TEAMS, Dan Unterheiner. At their site, staff participated in a variety of activities and challenges, which promote teamwork and [...]
TEAMS has 8 acres of land around 30 minutes drive away from the main TEAMS’ site in Layibi. Up to now, this land has been overgrown and uncultivated.
The Ugandan culture teaches many things: resilience after the war; the specific ways men and women’s roles are viewed and how service is portrayed. Today I spent time with the community mental health team and observed them as we visited a remote village where many people have used mental health [...]
Sundays here in Gulu are a big day! Most people get ready to attend their church service, where there is usually singing and dancing where the Pentecostals are concerned! As we in TEAMS partner with many churches, we have the pleasure of being able to experience their services whenever we [...]
<p>Today, we had the pleasure of visiting the Women’s prisons. It is actually one of my favourite places to visit in Gulu! I find that it is usually so full of love and life, for a place which is meant to represent punishment and restriction. I shared with the women [...]
Carrying out mission work involves sacrifice. It is something you cannot get away from. From the price of flights to accommodation to all sorts of vaccinations needed, something has to be given for the trip to take place. A lot of time, what makes people do mission work is the [...]