<p>Today, we had the pleasure of visiting the Women’s prisons. It is actually one of my favourite places to visit in Gulu! I find that it is usually so full of love and life, for a place which is meant to represent punishment and restriction. I shared with the women today that for them to leave the prison and start a new life, old feelings of the past and old mind sets cannot follow them. The theme was about being made whole in God not just healed from physical circumstances. </p><p>This made me think: Life can physically change but may not. What does that then result in? People who physically move but inside they are the same. Jesus said to the women who had the blood disease for 12 years, ‘Be made whole.’ Why did he not just say ‘Be healed?’ This is because healing for the women was more than stopping the flow of Blood. It was about her mind set of being outcast; it was about her emotions of being unwell for so long and having no other plans for the future but to be well. She looked just to be healed by the touch of the garment but Jesus shows us when we draw near to him we receive a lot more than we what we think we need. This is because a relationship with the father actually gives us more than what we may ask or think (Ephesians 3) as this the God we serve. So today completely leave your prisons, not just the physically space, look to remove the bars that are within. </p>