The East African Missionary Society Blog
A blog dedicated to what we’re doing in Uganda.
Archive of: Missions
Rosalind, a Trustee of TEAMS UK and TEAMS Uganda .. she reflects on her recent trip to Gulu
Rosalind, a Trustee of TEAMS UK and TEAMS Uganda .. she reflects on her recent trip to Gulu

Wow, what a trip! It was non-stop but so rewarding.

Duncan and I say it is our second home and everyone we meet there seems to agree, it was therefore great to take 2 others with us to share in the love we are so blessed to receive.
Geoff, on [...]

Feb 2018 UK Visit in Photos
Feb 2018 UK Visit in Photos

The team starts to get the luggage together feeling very glad that it will be sent straight through to Entebbe and not collected and re-checked in by us in Nairobi.

Hospital Visit by TEAMS' Director and Volunteers April 2017
Hospital Visit by TEAMS' Director and Volunteers April 2017

Alex and Janet from TEAMS’s Hospital Visitation Team came with Rebecca and I and even they were amazed at the number of babies that had been delivered that night. Over 50 and several who had required caesarean sections – they were very fortunate that there was a skilled doctor available [...]

Easter on TEAMS' site
Easter on TEAMS' site


During the morning Rosalind, one of our Board members led a quiet, contemplative service focussing on various individuals involved in Christ’s crucifixion.
We thought about how they must have felt, the pressures they were under and why they acted as they did, pausing to think about how we might [...]

Children’s Fun Time - Easter Sunday afternoon
Children’s Fun Time - Easter Sunday afternoon

Local children don’t get to play very much, there are so many chores to do and imaginative play and having fun is not something many ever have time to think about. The joy and excitement on the children’s faces as they arrived was so touching. The simple things we [...]

TEAMS Prison Outreach
TEAMS Prison Outreach

TEAMS has an important Prison Outreach Programme and is one of the few NGO’s in Uganda to have authorisation from the government to work in Uganda’s prisons. Prison governors claim that since we have started our programme of Ministry and support, violence within prisons has decreased dramatically. Life in any [...]

Out In Gulu
Out In Gulu

Last year on mission I experienced the surface of Gulu, but this year I am experiencing and enjoying all that this town has to offer me. There are no car taxi’s available but there are motorbike taxi’s called ‘boda bodas’ and I’ve really enjoyed travelling on these because it allows [...]

Allow, Recognise & Follow
Allow, Recognise & Follow

Following on with the theme of unpacking and rebuilding, as I was washing my hair last night, the Holy Spirit reminded me of how Jesus washed the disciples’ feet (John 13). In those days, people tended to wear sandals so the mud and dirt would be easily brushed on to [...]

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