The East African Missionary Society Blog
A blog dedicated to what we’re doing in Uganda.
Archive of: Visit to Uganda
Rosalind, a Trustee of TEAMS UK and TEAMS Uganda .. she reflects on her recent trip to Gulu
Rosalind, a Trustee of TEAMS UK and TEAMS Uganda .. she reflects on her recent trip to Gulu

Wow, what a trip! It was non-stop but so rewarding.

Duncan and I say it is our second home and everyone we meet there seems to agree, it was therefore great to take 2 others with us to share in the love we are so blessed to receive.
Geoff, on [...]

Stitches Students enjoy being creative and making things.
Stitches Students enjoy being creative and making things.

Whilst on site in March 2020, Rosalind taught both 1st and 2nd year students many times and helped them design and make an item each.

1st years were set the challenge of making a felt needle case. They learnt several hand embroidery stitches and then set about designing how to [...]

Two of TEAMS Trustees visit Uganda again (for the 33rd time!)
Two of TEAMS Trustees visit Uganda again (for the 33rd time!)

Duncan & Rosalind Watt have just returned from Uganda after what will surely be the most memorable visit they have made. Historically there have been the emotional traumas of working in the IDP camps, or the ever present danger from the LRA guerrillas. Never, in all of our [...]

Feb 2018 UK Visit in Photos
Feb 2018 UK Visit in Photos

The team starts to get the luggage together feeling very glad that it will be sent straight through to Entebbe and not collected and re-checked in by us in Nairobi.


STITCHES continues to be popular with 27 enrolling to join Year 1. This is amazing and very encouraging. To be honest it is really a few too many but as we have found in previous years there are inevitably some who leave, either because this course is [...]

SEAMS update
SEAMS update

SEAMS continues to progress well and business is good. One of our best 2nd Year “Stitches” students has been doing some part time work for SEAMS (outside of her lesson time!) as they were very, very busy and needed to get a large order finished and delivered. [...]

Easter on TEAMS' site
Easter on TEAMS' site


During the morning Rosalind, one of our Board members led a quiet, contemplative service focussing on various individuals involved in Christ’s crucifixion.
We thought about how they must have felt, the pressures they were under and why they acted as they did, pausing to think about how we might [...]

Children’s Fun Time - Easter Sunday afternoon
Children’s Fun Time - Easter Sunday afternoon

Local children don’t get to play very much, there are so many chores to do and imaginative play and having fun is not something many ever have time to think about. The joy and excitement on the children’s faces as they arrived was so touching. The simple things we [...]

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