The East African Missionary Society Blog
A blog dedicated to what we’re doing in Uganda.
Archive of: Leadership
Rosalind, a Trustee of TEAMS UK and TEAMS Uganda .. she reflects on her recent trip to Gulu
Rosalind, a Trustee of TEAMS UK and TEAMS Uganda .. she reflects on her recent trip to Gulu

Wow, what a trip! It was non-stop but so rewarding.

Duncan and I say it is our second home and everyone we meet there seems to agree, it was therefore great to take 2 others with us to share in the love we are so blessed to receive.
Geoff, on [...]

More pictures of on-going refurbishment work
More pictures of on-going refurbishment work

1 week later redecoration commenced after all decaying render had been removed and re-plastered.

CREAM TEAS in the churchyard
CREAM TEAS in the churchyard

TEAMS organised a Cream Teas fundraising event on August Bank Holiday Monday in St Mary and St Peter’s churchyard in Salcombe Regis, Devon.

Our Lord blessed us with a wonderful sunny afternoon (after a particularly drizzly week) and holidaymakers and locals turned out in great numbers and enjoyed a relaxing afternoon [...]

Pastor Charles's Funeral 16th - 17th June 2023
Pastor Charles's Funeral 16th - 17th June 2023

Little did we know that when we posted news of Charles and Susan’s wedding and then the joy of the arrival of Bruce, his son on our blog just a couple of years ago, we would tragically be posting pictures of his funeral so soon after this.
None of us [...]


It is with great sadness that TEAMS announces the death of its resident Pastor, Charles Ajum (34).

Charles had been TEAMS resident Pastor for almost 5 years and was much loved by his family, congregation and colleagues. He was invited to become a member of TEAMS Ugandan board at the [...]


Pastor Charles is still in St Francis Hospital Nsambya Kampala and very unwell. Scans and tests show he now has stage 4 cancer, very high blood pressure and kidney failure. He is having frequent dialysis and is due to start Chemotherapy today 10th May 2023.
His medical bills went past [...]


TEAMS’s resident Pastor Charles Ajum is seriously unwell and since the beginning of this year has been in and out of hospital in Kampala with dreadful abdominal pains and bleeding.
After tests he was diagnosed as having severe ulcerative colitis and more recently is undergoing treatment for suspected kidney failure.

Chairman’s Year-end review – December 31st 2022
Chairman’s Year-end review – December 31st 2022

TEAMS has grown up! It had its 21st birthday this year. What a lot of wonderful things have happened during its ‘childhood’. We have truly been blessed. We hope that we have managed to pass on these blessings to those in Northern Uganda who are vulnerable, [...]

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