
Faithfulness and loyalty are rare qualities today, but they are a few of the most important characteristics we can possess - as it reflects the nature of God. Life throws disappointments, tribulations and trials which can lead us to draw back from our responsibilities, but God draws closer to us.

The challenge is great but we must be who God wants us to be because there are fruits and rewards in being faithful and loyal. It is because HE is faithful we escape His wrath and judgment; He is patiently waiting for us to change so He can fill us anew! Let us also be faithful in all we do at home, at work and with relationships as this will bring rewards in our daily lives.

God’s desire is for us to be blessed and live in abundance and when we are faithful to Him with the things he has entrusted us with, we enter into that state of abundance. Abundance in joy, love, peace, strength, hope and faith. All of which are ingredients for a successful and fruitful life!
