We are now back from the mission after a gruelling 10-12 days. It was so easy to get carried away in the day to day grind of it but upon reflection something incredible yet simple stands out. The faithfulness of God.
The missions trip was incredibly positive in many ways in which we witnessed God perform recreative miracles; team growth individually and corporately whilst that sense that the Holy Spirit was doing a major work within everyone’s hearts! God was faithful through every preaching session, every team bonding session through the devotionals, through every personal interaction and through every physical labour.
God’s faithfulness imparted over myself and Liam as we decided from London that we would meet 6.30am every morning to pray, worship and discuss the day ahead. We had set apart (holy) some time for God and given the day to Him in unity, not as individuals but as a TEAM and I firmly believe that God rewarded the trip with a sense of unity by the power of the Holy Ghost.
As we read last week, there were too many miracles to record but one that comes to mind is one of a young baby girl who was given paraffin by somebody. She become unconscious and was admitted to hospital! Her aunt had come to church to pray and as we did the baby regained consciousness and was released from hospital the same day! That is a faithful God despite unfaithful circumstances!