New life

As we enter the season of Spring,after the dark winter months, it is so refreshing to see the changes all around. New leaves and colourful blossom blooming on the once bare trees. The days are now lighter both early in the morning and later in the evenings, which is a much welcomed change. It is also looked upon as a season of new life in creation in general, which is truly evident in our surroundings.

Spring is also a season which gives us hope, as it is the time when we focus on the death and resurrection of Jesus, who came – that we may have life and have it to the full – John 10:10. However, as we are aware that we don’t have to wait until this specific season to experience this new life with Him as it is available to us anytime.

Thank you Jesus that you came to give us life in abundance, to set those in the world free from such darkness, giving to ALL light and a new life to the full. Such hope and joy for the season indeed!

Rachel, TEAMS Childcare Coordinator