Wanting More Of God

As we sat for our morning devotionals, the theme for the morning was meekness. Meekness is usually described as being in a state of humility or of a lowly mind, which means to think yourself lower than God. However, there is a greater extension to that meaning and Jesus talks about meekness regularly for a specific reason. Meekness is accepting adversity, tribulation and trials without complaint. Jesus wanted to prepare us well!

This morning as we worshiped to a song, the lyrics, "I want more of you God" stuck out and it was impressed to me that we want God, but not the things of a spiritual nature which are attached to the kingdom. The call is to have a kingdom mindset and to walk in spirit we need to produce the endless fruit of meekness if we are to live the life of an overcomer.

Whatever comes your way, if you really want God you won’t complain.

Mission thought

The weather is great, the people love us as we love them and the Holy Spirit is working his power in every interaction! God is good.

Amit Dattani