Mission to Uganda August 14
Joy is often misunderstood for happiness a lot of the time. Happiness is an unstable state whereby we can move in and out of happy moods. whereas Joy is the complete opposite. Joy is designed to always remain within us, no matter what circumstance or position in life. So, I posed a question to the team today and asked them what joy really is. The response I received was being positive throughout any situation.
From God’s point of view, He designed Joy to sustain and satisfy us. However to be clear, Joy does not come on our accord. Instead we receive it in the presence of God. Psalm 100:4 tells us that we should enter into His courts with thanksgiving and praise. Praise allows to enter into His courts because it is a confession to God that He is worthy through everything. Once we enter into His presence we can receive Joy through the Holy Spirit.
Romans 14:17 challenges us (For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost) therefore, our focus is not temperamental like happiness, but instead everlasting and consistent like Joy.
Sowing into the Kingdom of God, is reaping the Kingdom fruits and enjoying the harvest, so give thanks and praise.