I was inspired by God today through Matthew 10:7-10 where the disciples were instructed to go out and preach the kingdom of God; to heal, cleanse, raise and give, but, taking nothing for their journeys except themselves. It got me thinking about the plans and preparation we carry out in our lives and especially on this mission. Whilst plans are necessary, what God was revealing to me was that everything we need in order to advance His kingdom has already been deposited inside us and needs to be released as we step out in faith and obedience.
We are required to leave everything behind as we pursue the kingdom; throwing off anything which is extra baggage and weighs us down. Baggage can be worldly mindsets, insecurities and issues, character traits or even just our own perceptions of how things should be done.
Today I had the honour of spending time with worship leaders from around Gulu. We talked, prayed and committed to laying aside our own ideas and agendas in order to be positioned to allow God to use us for a new worship ministry within Gulu. We are confident a new kingdom adventure has begun!
Adventures with God often surpass all the preparation and plans we can make, but just being open and available to Him means we will surely see His power at work.
I have seen healing, joy, restoration and laughter so far during my time in Gulu this week and these are all evidence of God working through us. We have had plans but God has often changed these at the last minute and we are quickly learning that all we need right now is to ensure we are positioned and ready to be used and go as He leads us.
What weight do you need to throw off? Can you let go of it all, trust God and step into a new kingdom adventure today?