Filling "Jerrys" from a tap is so much easier than pumping!

TEAMS borehole continues to fulfil an important community need. Now in its 8th year, TEAMS borehole continues to supply good drinking water 365 days a year. The local community only have to turn on the tap to fill their Jerry cans! The days of hand pumping came to an end in 2016 when we upgraded the system and installed a solar powered submersible pump which pumps water up to our high level large water tank sited adjacent to the borehole. Water is then gravity fed to the borehole tap and all of TEAMS site in Layibi. This means that we now have water to our hand basins, flushing toilets, showers and several standpipes within our cultivated areas from which we can draw water to sustain our crops during the dry season. Local residents in the community pay 100 Ugandan Shillings (about 2pence) to fill a large Jerry can with clean water (we have our water supply regularly tested for its purity) and this sum goes towards future maintenance and our borehole attendant Naomi’s wages.