Thank you for praying for TEAMS Sewing Students.
As indicated in our last update regarding TEAMS sewing school, our Year 2 students have just taken their DIT examinations. D I T stands for the Department of Industrial Training and is the vocational educational arm of the Ugandan Governments Ministry of Education. These exams would “normally” have been sat in February but due to the pandemic restrictions and schools remaining closed in Uganda for much of the past year, the exams were delayed. Both teachers and students have worked very hard to catch up to prepare for the exams and although fewer students managed to return to school than had originally been in the class, those who did were enthusiastic and studied well. The Theory paper was a challenge in parts with some rather unusual terminology (dare we say mistakes in the questions?) but we are hopeful that everyone will have managed most of the paper well. The practical for both the Formal Exam and the Modular went very well and everyone felt they had done a good job. Of course we have to await the official results which will not be out for a few months but we are hopeful that they will be good for everyone! Results are rarely issued within 6 months, but with no precedent for examinations being held at this time of year, who knows when we will officially receive the results. Please watch this space!
Some good news we’d like to share with you is that a generous supporter has offered to fund a Bursary to 1 student to cover fees and costs associated with attending our course.
A very deserving and enthusiastic student has been selected; one who without this help was going to have to leave because her family were no longer able to afford the fees. She was absolutely thrilled to be told that she wouldn’t have to pay fees for this year!
TEAMS already effectively sponsors this course because we only strive to break even. Our fees and charges are considerably lower than other schools in the area (by a factor of 3 or 4 times!) so we do reach out to those students who are less able to afford this important form of vocational training, we also feed them every day. If you would like to help fund this programme, please do visit our “Giving” page and make a donation to TEAMS bank account. It costs a student just over £100 per year to attend our school but all contributions, whether great or small, are always most welcome!.