The East African Missionary Society Blog
A blog dedicated to what we’re doing in Uganda.
Archive of: Projects
Help for Winifred
Help for Winifred

Winifred is the latest of our Agape Orphans to finish TEAMS programme of support. Now 18, she recently finished her tailoring course at St Monica’s Tailoring School in Gulu and wishes to start a micro business making garments to sell in the market. Winifred lives with her “Auntie” who kindly [...]

More VHT training
More VHT training

Early in September, Dr Heather and Dr Andrew from the UK’s “Prime” organisation visited TEAMS centre in Gulu to carry out a further day’s training of our volunteers.

Newman Lajul, the programme coordinator (shown on the left of the picture) had organised for 36 of our volunteers to attend and at [...]


TEAMS borehole continues to fulfil an important community need. Now in its 8th year, TEAMS borehole continues to supply good drinking water 365 days a year. The local community only have to turn on the tap to fill their Jerry cans! The days of hand pumping came to an [...]

TEAMS provides aid to Gulu Referral Hospital
TEAMS provides aid to Gulu Referral Hospital

2 Trustees of TEAMS visited Gulu Referral Hospital (GRH) at the end of February to hand over aid they had been given to bring with them on their latest visit to Uganda to help the hospital. As can be seen from the pictures, the chairman’s wife, Rosalind actually had a broken [...]

A home at last for Pastor Charles!
A home at last for Pastor Charles!

Pastor Charles received an early Christmas Present at the end of November when we handed him the keys to this house. Money for this project was kindly donated by a generous benefactor a little while ago and with subsequent appeals to top up funds were able to provide solar [...]

Pastor's House - Solar Appeal
Pastor's House - Solar Appeal

Through the generous support of one of our donors we have been able to construct a 2 roomed brick built house with separate toilet, shower and cooking area on our land in Gulu. This accommodation has been built specifically for our Pastor who presently lives 8 miles from our [...]

Feb 2018 UK Visit in Photos
Feb 2018 UK Visit in Photos

The team starts to get the luggage together feeling very glad that it will be sent straight through to Entebbe and not collected and re-checked in by us in Nairobi.

Agape children equipped for school - 2017
Agape children equipped for school - 2017

Here are a few photos of some of the children that TEAMS support through their education. They are collecting their materials so they are ready for the start of the school term. The materials consist of paper, notebooks, pens, pencils, rulers, rubbers, calculators (where necessary), bags and water bottles.